Type 2 Diabetes in Women: Young, Thin, And Diabetic: Stephanie Yi, 29, had a body most women would kill. She never had to work hard to maintain its slim, flat stomach within the weekend hiking near his home in Northern California and toured a lot of spinach salads. He could easily afford to indulge her sweet sometimes with butter, sweet snack. At 5'7 "and 120 pounds, she, she decided, jackpot, good genes.
But that all changed two years ago, when debilitating fatigue left her on the sidelines for the colleges. Easy, she dragged herself to a doctor who suspected a thyroid imbalance. Blood tests and a few days later she received a disturbing result: her thyroid was fine, her blood glucose level does not. She was on the verge of pre-diabetes and the development of type 2.
Stephanie was stunned. Of course, she could hear was the crisis of diabetes health. (At last count, 26 million Americans have the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). But there was no type 2 diabetes, fat, sedentary lifestyle and junk food and soda on a diet? Stephanie was not in the auto in the centuries he has not touched meat. But anyway, she got a disease of women dodge the fine.
The growing threatCDC estimates that one in nine adults suffering from diabetes, and if current trends continue, one in three people will be diabetic by 2050. For decades, typical of type 2 patients were similar to what Stephanie photo: heavy and inactive. In addition, they are old, often diagnosed in middle age or beyond. But while these cases of type 2 continues to grow rapidly, there has been an alarming increase is much younger.
The number of diabetes-related hospitalizations among people in their thirties has doubled over the past ten years, women are 1.3 times more likely to be recognized as men. Perhaps even more disturbing is the huge number of people aged 20 years and older with pre-diabetes: 65 million, a $ 57 million .. in 2007.
Suddenly, a condition that can take a half-life for the development of the problem was a young man. Even more surprisingly, about 15 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health. They do not feast on ice cream and cheeseburgers. However, their average weight is hiding a dark secret of organisms.
Skinny, fat, and stressMolecular imaging expert Jimmy Bell, MD, explores the state he calls Tofi thin outside, fat inside. Almost detected by the appearance of man, Tofi occurs when fat, which tend to accumulate under the skin (hello, thunder thighs!) Gloms on abdominal organs in place. This visceral fat is worse than any muffin, top-chub can cause inflammatory substances affect the liver and pancreas, as well as reduced sensitivity to insulin, putting you at risk of type 2. "With Tofi, you can look slim," says Bell, "but your gut act as if you're obese."
The main risk factor for fat swimming? Neglect of exercise and weight control through the selection of food only the abundance of the behavior of a young woman in our diet obsessed, desk-strapped culture subject. It turns out that sweat is a key component in reducing blood sugar, because even moderate physical activity causes muscles to suck blood glucose is 20 times the normal level (regular workout just to get rid of visceral fat).
The fact is, Waigand Corinne, 30, wants her to know. In college, she regularly lunched and crushed Mountain Dew for lunch to keep her wired for the class. After school, she delivered all of his cravings for cookies, cakes, pasta, chips, sometimes before the parties with friends. It is rarely performed, even if it does go to a random attack of low blood sugar, one year, she gave up soda for Lent and dropped 10 pounds (she got it back). At 5'10 "and 165 pounds, she was never overweight, obesity is much less, but his behavior has caused huge peaks and valleys in the production of insulin.
Corinne was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago. Like Stephanie, she was shocked. "I do not correspond to the physical description of the human type 2," she said. "Of course, I had some wrong food, but it never showed on my body."
Many young women and unwittingly participate in the second and the risk of diabetes Tofi great: the yo-yo dieting. "Whenever you lose weight diet, you lose muscle," says Betul Hatipoglu, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "And whenever you find that weight, you only get fat." In other words, the yo-yo dieting to lose muscle mass to help them burn fat and visceral control of blood glucose, type 2 double blow.
Placed on top of these risks is another culprit familiar everyday stress. When your mind is imposed, your body releases a stress hormone cortisol, to give you an energy boost. The problem is that cortisol levels are also temporarily raises blood sugar levels of diabetes risk, if you are tense all the time. In addition, researchers found that too much cortisol can also bind to fat and lead to a peak in visceral fat in the tense, women of normal weight. It is true, chronic stress contributes to make you skinny fat.
The genetic relationshipStephanie Yi-Yo yo dieting is not, and not super stressed. Of course, it was that sweet, but not many women fit in? After the diagnosis of prediabetes, she called her father. He recalled that his father died of a heart attack related to diabetes, when Stephanie was very young. This was probably the victim of another risk of type 2: genetic predisposition.
Scientists are still working out the details, but the skinny, young people can be at greater risk of developing type 2, if one parent is too thin, has been diagnosed, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School. (If both parents have type 2, a woman has a chance to get 50 percent of itself, if both parents and a brother is, her risk increases to four times). Why not? It is possible that the normal weight patients with type 2 diabetes have inherited a certain set of genes that affect their body reacts to even a little excess fat.
For example, some women may harbor unwanted details in the chest without serious consequences for the health of their pancreas function as machinery mechanic key, which distributes insulin to open the doors that allow sugar to storage cells. But other women, like Stephanie, can have a much lower threshold for excess food and fat. Some DNA can interfere with their function of the pancreas, regardless of the number keys are leased, there is no work.
Sugar blocked blood cells and flooding, damage to organs such as liver and heart, says endocrinologist Nicolas combat, MD, University of Texas.
While only a test "DNA type 2" means a long hard look at the tree, the researchers know that some people may be at increased risk. Asian Americans, for example, are more likely than white Americans to develop type 2, although only 9 percent in the first group are obese, compared with 32 percent of them, in accordance with the national newsletter of diabetes. It seems, says the Father, that Asian Americans are genetically predisposed to be sensitive to additional more calories.
Eradication of pre-diabetesSome doctors, such as diabetes, a leading expert, Richard Bernstein, MD, believes that most thin women are diagnosed with type 2 do not really have the disease. Instead, they may have undiagnosed type 1.
"Identification of type 1 and type 2, are too vague," he said. "Many adults have symptoms of both." In the end, signs, excessive thirst, blurred vision, sugar may be similar pressure, according to the National Institutes of Health. It is therefore important to get tested for both types (type 2 of a typical screen does not look for autoantibodies that come with the type 1). "Most doctors do not test for diabetes, if the patient is obese," said the struggle. But they have, the symptoms may not appear until the disease is developing well. Ask your doctor to check every five years.
Ideally, of course, to prevent the symptoms of type 2 in general. Even if you are prone to type 2 DNA, the disease is almost entirely preventable if we make the right choice of lifestyle or early prediabetes. "Despite two types can not be canceled, pre-diabetes can be," said the fight. The problem is that about 93 percent of pre-diabetes do not even know they are sick.
In addition to being tested, a crucial step diabetic to eat healthy foods, not just the foods that seem healthy, Bell said. Women may risk their food Tofi Downing too much junk in disguise, is all too easy with the sugar disappears in the "healthy foods" such as low-fat salad dressings, breakfast cereals and vitamin drinks. The rate, which is often wrapped with corn syrup, high fructose which the body turns in visceral fat. Eat some sugar possibilities every day and stick to low glycemic index carbohydrates and raw foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
After cutting his guilty pleasures, Stephanie saw her fall in blood sugar. In addition, she said goodbye to heavy carbohydrates white bread and embraced exercise most days of the week. (Studies show that only about 30 minutes of brisk walking per day can reduce the chances for people in developing countries such as 2 to 58 percent, even people who have pre-diabetes, according to the NIH.) "I know my body better," says Stephanie ". The creation of these small changes make me healthy. "The last time she checked her blood sugar level was close to normal.