Thursday, 29 March 2012

YMCA to Hold Healthy Kids Day

YMCA to Hold Healthy Kids Day: According to Childhood Obesity Action Network, State Obesity Profiles, 2009, 37.3 percent percent of children in Georgia are overweight or obese. This means that our kids are at risk for developing chronic adult diseases, such as high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes.

Lifestyles that include regular physical activity and healthy eating can lower kids’ chances of becoming obese or overweight and developing chronic diseases. As a leading nonprofit strengthening community through healthy living, the Y believes that getting kids more active and allowing them to play leads to a healthier lifestyle. We know that many parents struggle to find the time and resources to incorporate physical activity and healthy habits into their kids’ daily routine. So, the Effingham YMCA is holding YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day™ to celebrate and teach good health for kids, encourage active play and inspire a lifetime love of physical activity.

On April 16, the Effingham YMCA invites families throughout Effingham County to come to Healthy Kids Day for a play date. Healthy Kids Day is the Y’s national initiative to improve the health and well-being of kids and families and is the largest event of its kind in the nation. At nearly 1,600 events across the country, the Y will provide activities and educational demonstrations on how to be more active and incorporate healthier habits at home. Activities will include Family Field Day activities, Youth Fitness Classes, Youth Boot Camp Demonstration, and Scavenger Hunt.

“We know it’s not always easy to make healthy choices, and that’s why Healthy Kids Day is so important,” said Kim Dennis executive director of the Effingham Y. “At our event families will learn that it doesn’t take extra money or resources to live healthier. All it takes is planning, commitment and spending time together.

“We encourage the community to join us for Healthy Kids Day. Other agencies who promote healthy lifestyles for families and children are welcome to join us.”

Contact Dennis at 826-2199 to reserve space.

“By helping families get on track to healthier living, we can significantly improve the health and well-being of kids, one play date at a time,” Dennis said.

Eight Tips for Raising Healthy Kids

Eight Tips for Raising Healthy Kids: Every day Jose looks forward to coming home. At 3:00 p.m. school is out, and he and his friend Michael can play computer games for at least three hours before Mom gets home from work.

Every day Jose’s mom dreads coming home. With feelings of frustration and even a little guilt, she arrives to find her son has wasted yet another afternoon in front of his PlayStation.

Seem familiar? As parents struggle to balance busy work schedules, their children are often being shaped by a number of less-than-ideal influences. Children are constantly exposed to advertising, media, and peers; and the consequential sedentary lifestyle has resulted in children struggling with adult medical problems, including obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease.

Consider these facts:

• The number of overweight adolescents has tripled since 1980.

• The percentage of overweight children (ages 6-11) has almost doubled since the early 1980s.

• From 1994 to 2001 the percentage of overweight preschool children (ages 2-5 years) has nearly doubled.

• African- and Mexican-American youth are more likely to be overweight than non-Hispanic, Caucasian children and adolescents.

While the problem is obvious, the solution doesn’t always seem quite so clear. Although the task of raising healthy kids can seem daunting at times, there are fortunately things even busy parents can do to ensure their children grow up healthy and happy.

1. Provide emotional support.

Children need the support and love of family and friends. They need you to respond to both their physical and emotional needs. Find out what’s going on with them and how they are making decisions and handling problems.

Communicate daily with your children, regularly listening and talking to them about the importance of making positive choices and resisting dangerous habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking drugs. (Even if you had those habits when you were younger, you do have the right—and responsibility—to tell your children to avoid those behaviors.)

Avoid negative comments about their bodies, because that will only contribute to feelings of guilt. Instead, help them set goals toward a healthier lifestyle. Praise them when they participate in active games or eat more vegetables and fewer sweets.

2. Use logic.

Part of helping children take care of themselves is helping them understand why a healthy lifestyle is important. In daily encounters when children ask questions (“What’s wrong with eating potato chips?” or “Why do I need to go outside and play?”), it is essential that parents welcome the questions and use those opportunities to logically help kids understand health principles.

3. Do not be child-centered.

Of course, you never want to be insensitive or neglect your child, but the truth is, if you want to raise healthy children, you can’t cave in and cater to their every whim and fancy when it comes to food and lifestyle. Instead, help them develop skills to make wise, healthy choices rather than shortsighted, selfish ones. We were designed to enjoy life, and making wise choices will help us do that: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

4. Be a good role model.

Children watch parents in all areas of life, including their health habits. Only three out of 10 young people reported that their parents or other adults actually model positive, responsible behavior, according to the Search Institute’s survey of 150,000 American youth (grades 6-12).
Your children need to see you model responsible behaviors. Don’t secretly eat snacks or spend lots of time watching
television instead of exercising unless you want your kids to end up doing the same. Remember, teaching is most effective when it is coupled with modeling.

5. Use affirmative discipline.

It’s up to parents to set nutritional goals at home. For example, you can establish the rule that family members must eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day before having a small treat. Don’t be afraid to set clear boundaries and have high expectations. Be consistent and firm, but always avoid ridicule and punishment when they make a poor choice. Instead, use encouragement and reasoning to cheer them on when they make good choices.

6. Help children make healthy decisions.

Part of a parent’s role is to help children learn how to make safe and healthy choices, such as wearing a seat belt, brushing their teeth, washing their hands, eating nutritious food, and forming healthy relationships.

Your approach to teaching decision-making will vary depending on the child’s age. For example, with young children, you can start out by offering them a variety of healthy foods and guiding them on how much of each they need to eat. For older children, you can take them grocery shopping and actively involve them. Teach them to read the nutritional ingredients on the labels of their favorite foods. Encourage them to choose foods that are closest to their natural state (thus retaining most of their nutrients), such as baked potatoes instead of chips, fresh apples instead of apple pie, or fresh peas instead of canned peas. For less- healthy foods such as desserts, teach them to exercise moderation.

7. Get physical.

It’s an unarguable fact that many children watch too much TV and don’t get enough exercise. To change this pattern, parents can experiment with limiting television, videos, and computer games to less than one hour a day, substituting the rest of the leisure time with outdoor activities. Take walks, ride bikes, go skateboarding, or play baseball together as a family. Another meaningful and creative way to be active as a family is to find service-
oriented activities, such as doing household chores for someone, raking a neighbor’s lawn, moving furniture, or cleaning up a community center. Such projects will teach kids the importance of both activity and service.

8. Do not over- schedule.

Music lessons, French class, Little League practice, ballet class: the list of children’s ECAs (extracurricular activities) could go on and on. Not to mention all the homework! Do these poor kids ever get to play? Keep in mind that healthy development comes from living a balanced life, so don’t over-schedule your child’s life.

Remember that what you and your family do today will affect the future. So begin now to invest in a healthy future for your family by exercising regularly, eating well, serving others, and practicing a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Children Are Happy Children

Healthy Children Are Happy Children: Childhood is a time when children establish eating habits, which can last a lifetime. Teach your children to make nutritious food they offer.

Children must be at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Keep fruits and vegetables are available, where children can see them washed and ready to eat.
Involving children in planning and preparing meals. Let the children wash the spinach, carrots, lettuce or rupture of the cortex. Teach older children how to safely use a knife cutting vegetables for stew.
Make smoothies with fruit yogurt or soy milk to add more calcium.
Freezing fruit. Frozen grapes and melons fun, refreshing treat for kids, and you, especially on hot humid days.
Play hide and seek with fruits and vegetables. Mix the cooked cauliflower or mashed sweet potatoes, carrots or shredded zucchini traditional and spaghetti sauce.

The main breakfast should be a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat food groups 2:58, for example, try using whole grains, low-fat milk or soy milk and fruit. Do not get overwhelmed by the task. Products that can be eaten on the run include a mini-bagel with cream cheese, peanut and jelly sandwich or a fruit and a bag of dry unsweetened cereal.
Again, involving them in planning and preparation, or simply have them set the table. Empower them by letting them decide what to eat, giving them two options.

If your child is overweight, the diet is not the answer. Instead of losing weight, focus on positive changes in diet and physical activity.
Dinner as a family, so you can monitor their consumption.
Sit at a table where you can teach a child to eat slowly, pay attention to their hunger and avoid unnecessary power that can occur when watching TV.
Involving children in meal planning, food shopping and cooking.
Make a high-fiber fruits and vegetables part of every meal.
Focus on providing lower-calorie, nutrient-rich meals and snacks without severely limiting food intake.
Buy healthy foods and keep them easily accessible. Keep the candy, chips and soft drinks out of sight, or at home.
Limit sugary drinks, and slowly ween her children from their altogher.
Reduce TV watching and computer / video in less than 2 hours a day.
Promoting physical activity in the family, walking, playing outdoors and biking together.

peanut butter and jelly sandwich topped with sliced bananas or apples
carrot and cucumber sticks drizzled with low-fat dressing
apple slices dipped peanut butter
fruit skewers dipped in yogurt
whole-grain or gluten free crackers with low-fat cheese slices
pita bread with hummus
air-popped popcorn
yogurt with granola and banana slices
homemade trail mix (raisins, peanuts, whole grain cereal)
bean burrito

Raising Healthy Children - How to do it Right

Raising Healthy Children - How to do it Right: The health of your child, what is the secret? Instead, the secret that he's going to just look at the things that can affect the health of your child's well-being. At some point the children reach the stage where they begin to make their own decisions, but as a parent, you can at least do everything possible to guide them in the right direction. In this article we will discuss some of the most important issues for the health of the child healthy.

There is little doubt that junk food is the main source of children are overweight or unhealthy, and lack of exercise is another. Unfortunately, junk food almost everywhere, including, probably, your child's school. Thus, in addition to cooking healthy meals at home and packing nutritious snacks for your children, you should try to educate them on this issue as well.

Make sure they know that eating too many sweets and drink too much soda can be bad for your body, even at a young age. Children may not seem very receptive and interested in things such as long-term effects, however, repeat the message several times can let it sink in. You probably know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Children need to comply with this rule, as well as adults.

There are studies that show that children who eat breakfast score better on math and reading tests than children who do not. They also reduced the number of health problems. He also showed that children who eat breakfast are less likely to become obese. This is because breakfast contributes to a stable blood sugar level and metabolism for the day. Instead of eating a bowl of cereal topped with mountains of sugar, breakfast should be filled with food.

Make it a point to provide a nutritious breakfast that includes protein and whole grains. This will help to maintain throughout the day. This will improve their health and tests.

Children are not always aware of weather conditions that are dangerous, especially if they are having fun. So it's your job to make sure your children do not work at temperatures that are too hot or cold. In winter, children can enjoy sledding on a hill or a mess in the snow, but making sure they have appropriate clothing, including hats, gloves and multiple layers is very important. If it is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, you should put a limit on how much time your kids on the street.

The same applies to high temperatures above 90 F. In this case, you should also make sure children drink plenty of water, as children are sometimes a little too hard, playing in the heat. Protecting the health of your children is not difficult to do.

However, this does not mean to stop looking at the bad influences around you. You can not watch your kids all the time. So the best thing to do is make them understand how important diet and exercise can really be. The sooner you let them know it's likely they will stay healthy when they become adults.

Tips For Great Health for Children

Tips For Great Health for Children: We all want children to be healthy and happy, is not it? How can we resist smiling at these cute and fun kids especially when they sing, dance, and act in front of us adults. So if you really love your children, you have to do is make sure that they will stay healthy and to be so that they can stay happy and energetic as the young.

In addition, it is necessary to put in mind that health is of great importance is still young. It is at this stage of life where the many and varied events take place and that the sooner food is the best way to learn how to become a healthier person.

You can follow these tips to successfully bring your kids in the pink of health:

  *. You give children healthy foods and drinks such as fruit, milk, juices, meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, root crops, cereals and oatmeal. With this system type, it will ensure the health of your children. These types of foods does include plenty of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, amino acids and other substances necessary for health.
 *. After providing healthy food and fluids that you need to make sure that children in the right quantity. This will help ensure the kind of effective and safe food. Malnutrition and poor start and take food and luxurious healthy and unhealthy. You can be healthy if you take in healthy food and fluid in the right quantity. Thus, providing the right amount of healthy food is important than just providing them with healthy foods and liquids.
 *. Make sure they have enough time to rest and sleep. This issue will be to ensure growth and development of the hair, muscles and bones. The sound and the necessary amount of food and liquids can not be effective if sufficient time for sleep and rest here. The body is better, and to develop and absorb all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from food and liquids taken if the body is at rest.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Six Easy Steps to a Skinnier You

Six Easy Steps to a Skinnier You: Everyone who has ever tried dieting knows that it is not easy to stick to a weight loss program. The feeling of deprivation is often enough to want you to give up. So instead of drastically changing your diet, it is a good idea to do things gradually. Here is a six-step guide on how to eat less and lose more weight.
  1. Small but complete meals. In order for you to be satisfied with what you eat, your meal should have the right amount of fat, proteins, and fiber. Failing to strike a balance may make you feel “un-full” which may cause you to eat even more.
  2. Never deprive yourself. In conjunction with step 1, drastically cutting down calories may also lead you to feeling hungrier and thus consuming even more food. Set a realistic target such as reducing the size of your food portions by around 20 or 25% initially.
  3. Eat tasty food. In order to remain sane, it is always advisable to permit yourself to an occasional treat or a good hearty meal. Eat delicious food every now and again but be sure to eat smaller portions.
  4. Avoid drinking calories. You already eat loads of calories as it is, there’s no need to add to your caloric intake by drinking more calories. Drink water or tea instead of sugary fruit juices or soft drinks that have as much as 150 calories per can.
  5. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Perhaps one of the best fat loss tips is to have some sort of exercise regimen. Without regular exercise, your diet will not be as effective as you’d want. It can be as simple as jogging a couple of miles every other day.
  6. Easy does it. Remember that your brain will need around 30 minutes to process before it tells your body that it’s full. Because of this you’ll need to eat at a slower pace by chewing slowly and by not stuffing your mouth with the next bite until you’ve swallowed everything.

Health And Fitness

Health And Fitness: Today, health and fitness has become increasingly popular, those who want their six pack abs for all. I think it's because of how our technology is leading us into what we want. At the moment, and all moments the most unhealthy, the cars that you can not walk, lift, and many others. Well, that's your choice if you want to be healthy and in shape at the end.

Here are some ways to stay healthy:

1.  Exercise Daily – Be it from walking to going to gym. As long you are moving your body and active, that is good enough. Studies show that at least 10,000 steps everyday is enough as an exercise. Find someone to go with you or even your own family, that way it will be fun and you won’t get bored easily and stop exercising. You’ll also give your child a healthy body and future as well.

2. Eat healthy – We all know about the food pyramid. It is important to follow that to give your body the overall health needs for our body. Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean to just eat fruits and vegetables; it also includes meat, fish, and many others. Just look up food pyramid.

3. Don’t forget about protein – Make sure that you will always eat foods rich in protein especially if you want to build those muscles. It includes eggs, lean meat, turkey, cottage cheese and many others. Proteins are very important for the body because they maintain our muscles.

4. Drink more water – This is very important. Everyday, we lose water from our body so it is very important to rehydrate our body. Water also lessens our hunger and cleans our body as well. Water is also good for the skin and again, because it cleans our body.
The key here is to be disciplined. It is very important because there will be times where you will feel down and won’t exercise anymore and it will keep on until you have forgotten about exercising already. Get someone to motivate you or from the internet.

That wraps up our health and fitness tips. Thanks for reading! Start now!

Healthy Balanced Diet

Healthy Balanced Diet: Obesity is the most common violation of the moment and is a major cause of many health problems like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease and. The main cause of obesity is an imbalance between energy supply and causing a large accumulation of fat in the body. To combat obesity, caloric intake is reduced, while maintaining the body's daily food needs.

A well balanced diet is one that on a regular basis, includes products that meet the requirements of our body for a wide range of nutrients needed to stay healthy. This is what you eat, most of the time that most affects your health. This means that there is no need for a list of "forbidden foods", you need to learn to live without them. This contradicts the results of "Talk Plan," which we know, there is slim chance of long-term sustainable!

But given the state of our nation's health, it is clear that most people on a daily meal in great need of adjustment. Too processing, high-fat diet and exercise too little to raise the level of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, obesity, starting early in life than ever before. In addition, stacks of research tell us that many of these health problems can be prevented with a balanced diet and regular exercise. And at an earlier age you start, the better.

Without knowledge of the basics, there is a tendency to distrust your opinion and see how the food is very aware that a healthy diet, not only to limit the material that is not so good for you "wrong." - This is also from the way you eat nutritious food.

Aim for more fruits and vegetables. Studies show that eating more fruits and vegetables at meals and snacks helps move more calories - and often less nutritious - foods without leaving you feeling hungry.

Include low-fat - protein, such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, low fat dairy products, beans, soybeans, nuts and seeds - with meals and snacks whenever possible. These products will help you meet your daily protein (50 g per day for women and 63 grams for men), and provide many important vitamins and minerals.

Choose whole grains whenever possible. Look for whole grain breads, cereals containing fiber, brown rice and other "Braun" grain products.

Restrict access to "junk food". You will increase your chances for a delivery if they are too easily accessible.

Remove all the fat. Most people - especially those who eat a lot - who eat more fat than healthy ones. Limit foods that are fried, cooked with cream or cheese sauce, or have a lot of butter or oil to add.

Give yourself every chance of getting the right things and do not skip meals. Skipping meals during the day, as it often leads to overeating at night, which is not a good idea, especially for those watching their weight.

To make this possible, it is important to "prepare the way" to increase the chances of food stamps to occur. This requires a little planning, so that good food is, and make time several times a day, sit and eat healthy food.

Cooking Light 12 Healthy Habits

Forget the grandiose, impossible New Year’s resolutions: The path to a healthier lifestyle begins one little habit at a time. Welcome to our 12 Healthy Habits program: Each month this year we’ll focus on one healthy practice that you’re probably already doing but want to do a bit more (usually food-related, but we’ve thrown in a couple that focus on exercise). We’ll profile people and explore their challenges and goals, then recommend food or fitness strategies, and provide recipes and nutrition tips. Want to join us? Sign up for our 12 Healthy Habits newsletter and join the conversation on our message boards and on Facebook. You can be part of the conversation, online and in the magazine.

The plan challenges you to add a new habit each month, and by year-end, the accumulated effect will be a much healthier you. Here's what to expect, month by month:

January: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables—Add 3 more servings of fruits and vegetables to your diet each day. Download January's Healthy Habits Tracker PDF.

Feb: Get Moving—Increase the amount of aerobic exercise you do. Download February's Healthy Habits Tracker PDF.

March: Get Cooking—Cook at least 3 meals more per week than you are now, even if that means cooking breakfast or lunch (for freezing, maybe). Download March's Healthy Habits Tracker PDF.

April: Go For More Grains—Add 3 servings of whole grains per day. Download April's Healthy Habits Tracker PDF.

May: Eat Breakfast Daily—Eat a healthy breakfast every day. Download May's Healthy Habits Tracker PDF.

June: Get Stronger—Add strength training to your fitness regimen: at least 2 sessions per week.

July: Focus on Healthy Fats—Swap unhealthy fats for healthy fats in your diet.

August: Go Vegetarian at Least 1 Day a Week
—Expand the number of all-vegetable dishes that you eat by making 1 dinner or main-meal-of-the-day vegetarian.

September: Eat More Fish—Cook fish or seafood for dinner 2 times a week.

October: Ease Up on Salt—Cut back on salt/sodium and increase your sodium awareness.

November: Be Portion Aware—Cut your portion size of less-healthy or higher-calorie foods at least once per meal.

December: Eat Mindfully, Be Thankful
—Learn two ways—in this busy season and throughout the year—to find joy in food and to share that joy with others.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Type 2 Diabetes in Women: Young, Thin, And Diabetic

Type 2 Diabetes in Women: Young, Thin, And Diabetic: Stephanie Yi, 29, had a body most women would kill. She never had to work hard to maintain its slim, flat stomach within the weekend hiking near his home in Northern California and toured a lot of spinach salads. He could easily afford to indulge her sweet sometimes with butter, sweet snack. At 5'7 "and 120 pounds, she, she decided, jackpot, good genes.

But that all changed two years ago, when debilitating fatigue left her on the sidelines for the colleges. Easy, she dragged herself to a doctor who suspected a thyroid imbalance. Blood tests and a few days later she received a disturbing result: her thyroid was fine, her blood glucose level does not. She was on the verge of pre-diabetes and the development of type 2.

Stephanie was stunned. Of course, she could hear was the crisis of diabetes health. (At last count, 26 million Americans have the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). But there was no type 2 diabetes, fat, sedentary lifestyle and junk food and soda on a diet? Stephanie was not in the auto in the centuries he has not touched meat. But anyway, she got a disease of women dodge the fine.

The growing threat

CDC estimates that one in nine adults suffering from diabetes, and if current trends continue, one in three people will be diabetic by 2050. For decades, typical of type 2 patients were similar to what Stephanie photo: heavy and inactive. In addition, they are old, often diagnosed in middle age or beyond. But while these cases of type 2 continues to grow rapidly, there has been an alarming increase is much younger.

The number of diabetes-related hospitalizations among people in their thirties has doubled over the past ten years, women are 1.3 times more likely to be recognized as men. Perhaps even more disturbing is the huge number of people aged 20 years and older with pre-diabetes: 65 million, a $ 57 million .. in 2007.

Suddenly, a condition that can take a half-life for the development of the problem was a young man. Even more surprisingly, about 15 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health. They do not feast on ice cream and cheeseburgers. However, their average weight is hiding a dark secret of organisms.

Skinny, fat, and stress

Molecular imaging expert Jimmy Bell, MD, explores the state he calls Tofi thin outside, fat inside. Almost detected by the appearance of man, Tofi occurs when fat, which tend to accumulate under the skin (hello, thunder thighs!) Gloms on abdominal organs in place. This visceral fat is worse than any muffin, top-chub can cause inflammatory substances affect the liver and pancreas, as well as reduced sensitivity to insulin, putting you at risk of type 2. "With Tofi, you can look slim," says Bell, "but your gut act as if you're obese."

The main risk factor for fat swimming? Neglect of exercise and weight control through the selection of food only the abundance of the behavior of a young woman in our diet obsessed, desk-strapped culture subject. It turns out that sweat is a key component in reducing blood sugar, because even moderate physical activity causes muscles to suck blood glucose is 20 times the normal level (regular workout just to get rid of visceral fat).

The fact is, Waigand Corinne, 30, wants her to know. In college, she regularly lunched and crushed Mountain Dew for lunch to keep her wired for the class. After school, she delivered all of his cravings for cookies, cakes, pasta, chips, sometimes before the parties with friends. It is rarely performed, even if it does go to a random attack of low blood sugar, one year, she gave up soda for Lent and dropped 10 pounds (she got it back). At 5'10 "and 165 pounds, she was never overweight, obesity is much less, but his behavior has caused huge peaks and valleys in the production of insulin.

Corinne was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago. Like Stephanie, she was shocked. "I do not correspond to the physical description of the human type 2," she said. "Of course, I had some wrong food, but it never showed on my body."

Many young women and unwittingly participate in the second and the risk of diabetes Tofi great: the yo-yo dieting. "Whenever you lose weight diet, you lose muscle," says Betul Hatipoglu, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "And whenever you find that weight, you only get fat." In other words, the yo-yo dieting to lose muscle mass to help them burn fat and visceral control of blood glucose, type 2 double blow.

Placed on top of these risks is another culprit familiar everyday stress. When your mind is imposed, your body releases a stress hormone cortisol, to give you an energy boost. The problem is that cortisol levels are also temporarily raises blood sugar levels of diabetes risk, if you are tense all the time. In addition, researchers found that too much cortisol can also bind to fat and lead to a peak in visceral fat in the tense, women of normal weight. It is true, chronic stress contributes to make you skinny fat.

The genetic relationship

Stephanie Yi-Yo yo dieting is not, and not super stressed. Of course, it was that sweet, but not many women fit in? After the diagnosis of prediabetes, she called her father. He recalled that his father died of a heart attack related to diabetes, when Stephanie was very young. This was probably the victim of another risk of type 2: genetic predisposition.

Scientists are still working out the details, but the skinny, young people can be at greater risk of developing type 2, if one parent is too thin, has been diagnosed, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School. (If both parents have type 2, a woman has a chance to get 50 percent of itself, if both parents and a brother is, her risk increases to four times). Why not? It is possible that the normal weight patients with type 2 diabetes have inherited a certain set of genes that affect their body reacts to even a little excess fat.

For example, some women may harbor unwanted details in the chest without serious consequences for the health of their pancreas function as machinery mechanic key, which distributes insulin to open the doors that allow sugar to storage cells. But other women, like Stephanie, can have a much lower threshold for excess food and fat. Some DNA can interfere with their function of the pancreas, regardless of the number keys are leased, there is no work.

Sugar blocked blood cells and flooding, damage to organs such as liver and heart, says endocrinologist Nicolas combat, MD, University of Texas.

While only a test "DNA type 2" means a long hard look at the tree, the researchers know that some people may be at increased risk. Asian Americans, for example, are more likely than white Americans to develop type 2, although only 9 percent in the first group are obese, compared with 32 percent of them, in accordance with the national newsletter of diabetes. It seems, says the Father, that Asian Americans are genetically predisposed to be sensitive to additional more calories.

Eradication of pre-diabetes

Some doctors, such as diabetes, a leading expert, Richard Bernstein, MD, believes that most thin women are diagnosed with type 2 do not really have the disease. Instead, they may have undiagnosed type 1.

"Identification of type 1 and type 2, are too vague," he said. "Many adults have symptoms of both." In the end, signs, excessive thirst, blurred vision, sugar may be similar pressure, according to the National Institutes of Health. It is therefore important to get tested for both types (type 2 of a typical screen does not look for autoantibodies that come with the type 1). "Most doctors do not test for diabetes, if the patient is obese," said the struggle. But they have, the symptoms may not appear until the disease is developing well. Ask your doctor to check every five years.

Ideally, of course, to prevent the symptoms of type 2 in general. Even if you are prone to type 2 DNA, the disease is almost entirely preventable if we make the right choice of lifestyle or early prediabetes. "Despite two types can not be canceled, pre-diabetes can be," said the fight. The problem is that about 93 percent of pre-diabetes do not even know they are sick.

In addition to being tested, a crucial step diabetic to eat healthy foods, not just the foods that seem healthy, Bell said. Women may risk their food Tofi Downing too much junk in disguise, is all too easy with the sugar disappears in the "healthy foods" such as low-fat salad dressings, breakfast cereals and vitamin drinks. The rate, which is often wrapped with corn syrup, high fructose which the body turns in visceral fat. Eat some sugar possibilities every day and stick to low glycemic index carbohydrates and raw foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

After cutting his guilty pleasures, Stephanie saw her fall in blood sugar. In addition, she said goodbye to heavy carbohydrates white bread and embraced exercise most days of the week. (Studies show that only about 30 minutes of brisk walking per day can reduce the chances for people in developing countries such as 2 to 58 percent, even people who have pre-diabetes, according to the NIH.) "I know my body better," says Stephanie ". The creation of these small changes make me healthy. "The last time she checked her blood sugar level was close to normal.

Under-Eye Skin Problems: What's Your Solution?

Under-Eye Skin Problems: What's Your Solution?: Here are some remedies for puffy eyes that I've found online:I love sharing beauty and fashion advice with all of you ... but now I need your help.

Over the last few weeks, the delicate skin just beneath my eyes has gotten very dry. I've tried every eye cream I have on the area (including some super-expensive samples), but nothing's really helping. In fact, it's only making things worse -- I woke up this morning with PUFFY skin under my eyes and darker-than-normal circles.


That's why I need your help. How do you keep the skin around your eyes moisturized? What do you do about dark circles under your eyes? And how do you eliminate that puffiness FAST?

Let me know in the comments!

  • Drink plenty of water to clean out your system. 
  • Place two slices of cool cucumber on the eyes for several minutes.
  • Moisten two tea bags in cold water, chill them in the refrigerator, and place them over closed eyelids for several minutes.
  • Refrigerate 4-6 spoons, place on eyes for a few minutes. As each spoon warms, replace with another.
  • Whip 1 or 2 egg whites until stiff and apply with a brush underneath your eyes.
As for the undereye circles, I see a lot of products on the market, but I wonder if any of them really will get rid of the problem.

I'm pretty sure the cause of my under eye problems is allergies. Everything's beginning to bloom around here, and I notice I've been more tired and stuffy-nosed than usual. Eye problems seem like another likely allergy symptom.
But I do want RELIEF.
Any suggestions? What have you tried personally to combat puffy eyes and dark circles that has actually worked?

5 Secrets to Preserve Your Eyesight

5 Secrets to Preserve Your Eyesight: More than ever, we use our eyes to see the fine print and images on computer monitors, televisions, mobile phones and modern trends, which leads to eye fatigue and an increase in eye problems associated with aging. But people with low vision should be an integral part of life for a long time. Use these five secrets in order to promote and preserve the health of your eyes.
1. Juice to brighten your opinion
Ancient Chinese folk remedy for a clear vision is a blended juice from celery, mint, parsley and Chinese. Studies have overtaken this wisdom, and we now know that luteolin, an antioxidant bioflavonoid found in these three components were found to provide the best protection of cellular DNA from radiation. Some data suggest that luteolin helps to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, as well as glycation, a process in which sugar molecules bind adhesive proteins, which can damage the retina. Luteolin and promoting healthy blood sugar and regulates insulin sensitivity. Stir in celery, mint, parsley and Chinese in a blender with some water or a juicer. Drink fresh juices every day to see well in the future!
2. Eat on the health of the eye
Let nature help you maintain healthy eyes with plenty of food for beneficial purposes. Spinach is full of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect the retina from macular degeneration, which comes with age. Remember, fat increases the absorption of lutein, so make sure you hit the spinach in a little olive oil. (Green leafy Plus for a long time). Other vegetables, lutein and zeaxanthin spinach, kale, turnip greens, kale, mustard, pumpkin, green peas, broccoli, pumpkin, corn. Chlorophyll-rich algae, like spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae are the nutrients that are beneficial to the eyes. Carrots are loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene, are also of great help to you. Bilberry, a cousin of blueberry, stimulates blood circulation and nerve and eye is rich in antioxidants. Goji berry is used to reinforce the view, as a snack between meals.
3. Stay hydrated
Proper hydration is essential for normal eye. Thus, drinking water filters regularly to keep hydrated. Slow and steady supply of water creates a constant flow of water to lubricate and nourish us. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
4. Eye exercises to deal with floating
These simple exercises to improve and maintain good vision and can also get rid of those pesky flying in your eyes.

 *. Rub your palms together to create heat, and then place them against your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this three times.
*. Roll your eyes in circles, starting at the top and slowly circling 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.
*. Hold a pen at arm's length, focus your eyes on it, and slowly bring the pen closer until it's about six inches away from your nose. Then slowly move it back, keeping your eyes focused on the pen, 10 times in all.
*. Using your thumb knuckles, massage your temples in small circles, 20 times in one direction and 20 in the other. Repeat the same actions above the mid-point of the eyebrows at the forehead, then below the eyes on both sides of the bridge of the nose.
*. Take a nap on the job! Put your head back, close your eyes, and relax for three minutes.

After a month you will notice an improvement in vision and a decrease in floaters. Try to do these exercises first thing in the morning, just before bed, or whenever your eyes feel tired, like after computer use. Make sure your hands are clean and that you are relaxed. The key to progress is daily practice, so make it a habit! Additionally, take care of your eyes by wearing UV-protective sunglasses.

5. Instant eye remedies

Try these dietary and herbal remedies for overall eye health:
*. To nourish your eyes, follow Popeye's lead. Boil 4 ounces of fresh spinach in 4 cups of water. Drink this spinach tea daily to give vital nourishment to your eyes.
*. Grape seed extract (OPC) and bilberry extracts contain potent antioxidants for eye health.
*. Taking ginkgo on a daily basis has been shown to improve circulation to the eyes. Find it in a health food store.
*. When your eyes feel tired, lie down and place slices of cucumber on your eyelids to soothe the eyes and restore moisture.
*. As a general rule of thumb, eye exams should be done once every 2 to 4 years for everyone under age 40 and once every 2 years after. This way, you can detect issues before they become severe.

You can find these eye health secrets and many others in my newest book Second Spring.

I hope these help you maintain good vision well into your golden years! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

--Dr. Mao

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What Your Eyes Say About Your Health

What Your Eyes Say About Your Health: Allow phonetic typing
Even if you do boast 20/20, you should visit an eye specialist care. "The eyes somewhere in the body, through which we can actually see the veins and arteries of the first-hand, without surgery or a camera," said Reddy, Sandown, MD, ophthalmologist and retina specialist at New York University Langone Medical Center. Thus, an ophthalmologist may be the first to detect serious health problems like diabetes or hypertension.

For example: 65 percent of the time, ophthalmologists can detect the signs of high cholesterol in a patient before any other service provider (the condition in the form of yellowish plaques in blood vessels of the retina).

Here, the evidence of our eyes to amazing health.

Cue the eye: silver or copper arteries

More than 20 percent of people with hypertension do not know they have a problem is that can be solved if all its consultations eye doctor more often. "We can see through the eyes of hypertension, because it gives the color of silver or copper retinal arteries is called copper wiring," says Reddy. If left untreated, the disease can cause blood vessels in the retina and throughout the body to harden, thereby increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Cue the eye: a birthmark on the inside of the eye

Sunlight can cause more damage to the skin, it may increase the risk of developing cancer in the eyeball. "Cancer can resemble small areas or carts, raised in the pigment layer of the retina," said Sophie J. Bakri ophthalmologist, MD, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Diagnosis of ocular melanoma is critical too soon, says she is often no other symptoms and can quickly metastasize to surrounding tissue.

Cue the eye: leaky blood vessels

High blood sugar can clog or damage the blood vessels of the retina over time, making them weak and porous. Eye doctors often detect leaks or abnormal new blood vessels that grow to replace those defects. In fact, diabetes affects the eyes in general, and can lead to blindness in severe cases.

Cue the eye: inflammation

Autoimmune conditions can cause the body to attack healthy cells and tissue (including eye), which leads to inflammation. This process can lead to "If we see an inflammation of the blood ocular surface puffy eyes, from 30 to 50 percent of the blood vessels and redness, itching, watery eyes by the time the patient will be some kind of undiagnosed autoimmune diseases, immune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, "said Bakri. Another sign? Very dry eyes, resulting in a compromise of lacrimal glands.

Inflammation of the hidden risks

It seems serious, but you can get blisters inside the eyeball. A condition known as central serous retinopathy (CSR) is usually caused by excessive mental or emotional stress, which may require the body to the point where the retina begins to blister formation fluid to flow. "Eye doctors knew of CSR as a disease of men and emphasized the type of personality, but an increasing number of women diagnosed with," says Bakri. The most common symptom is that patients may see a blurred vision wavy lines or trying to concentrate on one point. In many cases, CSR can be mitigated by reducing stress levels, and if not, the patient may be helped by laser treatment.

Cue eyes are swollen blood vessels in the eyes of the protein

Allergens like dander pollen, dust and animals often affect the eyes. As a defense mechanism, your peepers produce anti-histamine and other natural chemicals side effects, and not outside. This process can lead to the vessels of the eye and swollen with blood-red, itchy, watery eyes can see you, your eye doctor and everything. For a correct diagnosis, however, consider MD

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Healthy Turkey Burger

Healthy Turkey Burger: So who eats meat, it's for you! I love a good turkey sandwich from time to time (especially in "vacation" for a barbecue). That's a healthy recipe that will blow your taste buds! Vegetarians in the house, I would like to make an offer to the appropriate substitution, but I'm afraid that I'm white. But do not worry, I've got something special coming for you next week at the "Burger / Pattie" before!

The fact healthy: Turkey contains tryptophan, which is closely related to serotonin in the brain that we can help you relax and even make us feel a little sleepy. Tryptophan is a serotonin can also supply good feelings. Good luck!


1 package turkey meat
1 egg
1 cup teriyaki
1 cup bread crumbs (any flavor)

Put teriyaki in large bowl. Slowly add bread crumbs and mix. You don’t need to use the entire cup of bread crumbs. Mix teriyaki and crumbs very well until a brownish moist bread crumb pile results.

Add turkey meat and egg to the large bowl. Mix well.

Use a mayo lid or pancake molder to form the perfect shaped burger. Put the burgers on a grill at a medium flame. flip several times until nicely browned.

This meal is low fat and delicious.

Submitted on

To learn more about how Dr. Life keeps wellness simple, go to

Fast & Healthy Recipes

Fast & Healthy Recipes: Apple-Bacon Egg Bake
I wanted an inexpensive, healthy egg dish for Sunday brunch, so I came with this recipe. Apple-Bacon Egg Bake is hearty and delicious, and the apples give it a slight sweetness.
—Nancy Miller, Bettendorf, Iowa

Tropical Fruit Salad
I needed a speedy salad for a luncheon recently, used what I had available, and everyone loved it! Light, fluffy and full of fruit, this Tropical Fruit Salad could double as a healthy dessert. You can also tuck it into the kids' lunchboxes for a fun school-day treat.
—Teri Lindquist, Gurnee, Illinois

Favorite Chicken Pasta

This dish was a favorite of mine at a local restaurant, but when I saw the recipe, I knew it was too rich for my family's diet. I made some healthy changes, and now Favorite Chicken Pasta is one of my favorites.
—Lynn Skilsky, Tucson, Arizona

Parmesan Vegetable Rice
With its red tomatoes and green pepper, this healthful Parmesan Vegetable Rice recipe is colorful enough to serve guests during the holidays, but I make it whenever I want a special rice dish any time of year at all!
—Nola Nielsen, Darien, Illinois

Tarragon Chops with Mushrooms
Though I lightened the sodium in this delicious pork entree, it's just as flavorful. Tarragon Chops with Mushrooms is a quick and easy weeknight dinner.
—Sherri Halloran, Colonial Heights, Virginia

Apple and Goat Cheese Salad
This Apple and Goat Cheese Salad is a light and delicious side dish for almost any meal. The sweetness of the apples, raisins and grapes combines well with the tart goat cheese and dressing.
—Radelle Knappenberger, Oviedo, Florida

Cheesecake with Berries
Cheesecake with Berries offers a grand finale that will bring rave reviews. It's so rich and tasty, you'll have a hard time believing it's light. This creamy cheesecake is ideal for any special occasion.
—Julie Kocur, Abingdon, Maryland

Find more healthy recipes, nutrition tips and healthy living advice at

Healthy Recipes For Lunch Meat

Healthy Recipes For Lunch Meat: There are many healthy recipes for dinner with meat. You can quickly find chicken recipes healthy, recipes or just about anything you want to cook. Now, to be one of the healthy recipes for dinner, the food must have certain attributes. Almost all of the healthy recipes for dinner, the meat will have these features.

How can we decide healthy recipes for dinner with meat, in fact healthy? Healthy recipes for a dinner of meat should not be too much sugar. All healthy recipes for dinner with the meat you use should be vegetables. Healthy recipes for a dinner of meat should be low in fat. And all the healthy recipes for meat meal should contain protein.

Let's start with the bottom and work. Let's start with the protein. Proteins in the healthy recipes for dinner can be provided with any meat. Chicken, beef, pork, duck or fish contain proteins. But you can also add protein to your own healthy recipes for dinner cooking beans, rice, eggs, or squash.

Now, if you go to shop and compare prices, I think the squash will be cheaper than fillets. And you can find many healthy recipes for dinner, which is based on the squash or beans. And I'm sure you are ready meals using healthy recipes for dinner that included chicken and rice.

Many healthy recipes for dinner can help you stay away from eating too much fat. This may seem a rib eye and good taste, but it has a lot of fat. Now, if you eat a rib eye from time to time, this is normal. But if you have more healthy recipes for dinner, and then when you eat rib-eye only, your body will be able to cope with excess fat much easier.

Good healthy recipes for dinner foods include many fruits. Most vegetables can easily work with your healthy recipes for dinner with meat. Some vegetables are more flexible than others. For example, corn will fit into some of your healthy recipes for dinner, which will be broccoli. Similarly, the bow will work primarily healthy recipes for dinner.

And that brings us sugar. Healthy recipes for dinner contain very little sugar, if at all. I'm not talking about the natural sugars, which in most vegetables. I'm talking about white crystals you put in your coffee and cereal. A little sugar is OK, but the sugar should be avoided in one of his healthy recipes for dinner.

There are some easy healthy recipes for dinner with meat, which contain all the elements mentioned above. They have protein, low in fat, little or no sugar and vegetables. Everything on the plate. Can you guess what they are? Salads. This is true, salad is perfect for creating your own record of healthy recipes for dinner.

Create your own healthy recipes for dinner will help your body cope better with products that are a little less healthy. Perhaps these products are too thick. Maybe eating a piece of cake for dessert, and even candy. With a little planning and careful shopping, you can create your own healthy recipes for dinner with meat. Your family will thank you for it.

Healthy Recipes

Healthy Recipes: GB member Katy and I share recipes once in a blue moon and I thought this would be a great way for all of us to start sharing more often.

A few years back I began an exercise regimen to lose weight and I knew that eating right was the next step. I started reading magazines and other literature to find out what I should eat. The main problem I had after that was.. I knew what was good and bad for me but I needed a way to put it all together. What should I eat for a meal? breakfast? lunch? dinner? snacks? sides? let alone all week long! It seemed like a nightmare. Here is my attempt to share some healthy recipes and help people out there that may have been like me.

As group moderator I'll try to keep our forum organized with discussions based on the main part of a meal or dish. The first discussion I will start will be based on Chicken and the second I think will be Healthy Side's.

Lets keep it healthy!

Oh and please upload pictures of your dishes right here to the group (remember to title them appropriatly) and then you can link to them or show them to us inside of the forum!

Healthy Recipe: Chicken BLT Salad with Buttermilk Dressing

Healthy Recipe: Chicken BLT Salad with Buttermilk Dressing: April issue of Fitness was "Dinner at 20-section, which is perfect for me! Between full-time and runs this blog, with a busy social life and try to stay on the training and your favorite TV show, I have not had much time (and patience) to cook a lot. So, in short, simple food is best for me. recipe that really caught my attention was the chicken Salad BLT salad with buttermilk. Light and easy meal that is healthy, while at the same time, and it will take only 10 minutes to prepare and cook for 10 minutes. Read the ingredients and the recipe to serve 4.


4 slices lean turkey bacon

4 1-inch-thick slices ciabatta bread

2 teaspoons olive oil

1 garlic clove, halved

1/3 cup low-fat buttermilk, well shaken

2 tablespoons light mayonnaise

2 teaspoons cider vinegar

¼ teaspoon Dijon mustard

¼ teaspoon minced garlic

¼ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon sugar

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

4 cups tightly packed chopped romaine lettuce

2 cups roughly torn rotisserie chicken, skin removed

  1. Cook the bacon in a skillet over medium-low heat, turning occasionally until lightly browned and beginning to crisp, about 6 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel lined plate to drain. Crumble into large pieces.
  2. Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Lightly brush the ciabetta slices with the olive oil and grill until just toasted, about 2 minutes per side. Lightly rub the cut garlic clove halves over the surface of each slice. Let the bread cool, then cut into 1-inhc cubes.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, minced garlic, salt, sugar and black pepper. Add the lettuce, tomatoes, chicken and croutons and half the bacon. Toss well. Transfer to plates and top each serving with some of the remaining bacon.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Healthy Recipes

Healthy Recipes: Several years ago I started to exercise regimen to lose weight and I knew that the food and it's the next step. I started reading magazines and other documents to determine what I should have. The main problem I had was after .. I knew what was good and bad for me, but I need a way to put it all together. What they eat for dinner? Breakfast? Lunch? Lunch? snack? the parties? not to mention the whole week! It was like a nightmare. Here is my attempt to share some healthy recipes and help people out there that can be like me.

As moderator of the group, I'll try to make our forums organized to discuss, based on the bulk of food or I'll start a discussion blyudo.Pervoe will be based on the chicken and the second, I think it will be a healthy side.

4 Healthy Recipes And Fat Burning

4 Healthy Recipes And Fat Burning: The recipe for fat burning is actually part of the proceeds of healthy food, and it is very easy to make and delicious at the same time. The positive of this income is not nutritious, they take off depression than men and women who are overweight may be a supply schedule. We present here some dishes, such as. You can also make this easy recipe, your own combinations.

Dish is the first Mexican pizza. To do this, what are the ingredients whole wheat pita bread, 1/4 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese, 1/3 cup pre-cooked chicken breasts, 3:58 p. Tablespoons diced pineapple pasta sauce, depending on your requirements, try a slice of turkey bacon, cooked and crumbled, a teaspoon of oregano and pepper. Previously, preheat oven to 425? For C. At the same time, the oven, warm pita bread with the rest of the contents, then bake for 10-12 minutes. This pizza has only 410 calories per piece, and very tasty.

The following recipe is a delicious soup with pumpkin and coconut milk product. You want a cup of chicken broth or vegetable, ¼ cup sherry, white wine or rice vinegar, a tablespoon of coconut oil or peanut butter, a little chopped onion, 1 tsp. tablespoons Thai green curry paste 6 cups pumpkin, peeled and diced and cans of coconut milk. Cut all the vegetables. Onions until soft and transparent. Take wine, rice vinegar or sherry to the pan and deglaze it. Place all remaining ingredients. Simmer until the pumpkin is tender. Mash the mixture into a blender to get out and enjoy. This recipe for fat burning is one of the most delicious recipes for healthy eating and only 188 calories.

That delicious extra food varied as turkey ham, vegetables, eggs and fruit. All of these fatty foods are reduced and you can mix a tasty dish to please your taste factor. Ingredients ¼ cup diced ripe avocado, two to three cups of spinach, orange, 2 eggs, 3 egg whites, ¼ cup of salsa and three slices of turkey bacon. For the production of this fact, take two separate pots, one on the front panel for cooking turkey bacon and eggs, spinach and others. While cooking turkey bacon, cooked spinach in a pan and add the other egg in it and mix well. Add avocado, turkey bacon, a couple slices of oranges in the composition, spinach and eggs after a short period of time to light up in a bowl and top with salsa and add the bacon and still fun. This provides only 510 calories.

Now here's a recipe for people who love sweets the most. It is a beautiful chocolate and bananas. You need 8 tablespoons sugar, no cream, 2 tbsp. EL cold to take dark chocolate, banana and a cup of sugar, fat shaved completely free instant pudding. Prepare pudding according to the method of packing and two layers of glass bananas, pudding and whipped cold twice. Chill in refrigerator before serving, garnish with chocolate shavings, and the best entertainment. This delightful Excellent yields only 115 calories. About the author make any recipe you try to burn fat throughout the campaign for healthy eating and recipes as possible. You can have fun, to try to eat them.You can find more information about healthy eating program to other articles Fat Burning Recipes

Healthy Recipes

Acme Smoked Fish Launches RubyBay® King Salmon Jerky

Healthy Recipes: Wild salmon snack packs are now available in teriyaki and peppered flavors.Brooklyn, NY (PRWEB) February 11, 2012 Acme Smoked Fish Corporation announces the launch of its all-natural society, ready to eat King Salmon Jerky snacks in the company of Ruby Bay ® brand. This brand is widely recognized in compliance with flavors and innovative technologies with traditional methods of production ...READ MORE

Healthy Recipes

Heart-Healthy Recipes: IT is fitting that on Valentine's Day falls on February: It's also American Heart Month. With heart disease the number one killer in the United States, it is important to promote a diet low in saturated and trans fats and high in fiber and healthy fats, like omega-3. Yes Maintain a healthy weight is also key, and with exercise, be sure to keep calories in check. Our collection of nutritious recipes that help you achieve these goals, it is tasty. It includes many of the traditional dishes of love, truffles, ginger, figs and chocolate. The only thing missing is a bad fats, cholesterol and calories. This year, show your love for yourself and others, making heart-healthy lifestyle.

 Basics of heart health is

Besides suggesting that we exercise regularly (and carefully read the label), the American Heart Association recommends that we:
• Eat nutritious foods from all food groups, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat or nonfat dairy products and fish.
• Limit intake of foods high in calories and low in nutrients. In addition to reducing saturated and trans fats, limit cholesterol, sodium (less than 2,300 milligrams per day), and sugar.
• Try baking, broiling or grilling lean meats and fish.
• When cooking eggs, yolks, do not use two egg whites for each whole egg.

  Fat Facts

Saturated fatty acids should be at least 7 percent of total calories for healthy Americans, says the AHA (for those who need to consume 2,000 calories a day, no more than 16 grams). Trans fatty acids should not be less than 1 percent, less than 2 grams. "Limit cholesterol intake to less than 300 mg a day for most people," says the AHA. "If you suffer from coronary heart disease or your LDL is 100 mg / dL or more, limit cholesterol intake to less than 200 mg a day." Total fat (mainly from sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including nuts, seeds, fish and vegetable oil) should be at least 25 to 35 percent of your daily calories (about 50 to 70 grams per day). For personal advice, please visit the ANA

 Tricky labeling of trans fat

Keep in mind that food companies can list zero grams of trans fat on the Nutrition Facts panel of their products as long as the ingredients list contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving (also remember that "part" can be very small). "When the label says the Nutrition Facts food contains trans fats '0 g ', but includes" partially hydrogenated oil "in the ingredient list, it means the food contains trans fats, but less than 0, 5 grams of trans fat one portion, "says online AHA". So if you eat more than one serving, you can quickly get access to your daily limit of trans fats, "Recommendations of the simplified Epi. just stay away from packaged foods with hydrogenated oils.

Monday, 19 March 2012

The Value of Children: Good Nutrition Helps The Child Feel Dominate

The Value of Children: Good Nutrition Helps The Child Feel Dominate: Exercise and proper diet are necessary to prevent obesity among our children. Like what our children eat is often dictated by the dominant feeling. Understanding their point of view of food, we, as parents, can be better equipped to encourage healthy eating.

Be energetic, busy little people, children are often difficult to touch down at the table. They tend to keep getting up from the table, using their fingers rather than instrumentation, and create an extremely amount of confusion about them. Try to stick to a simple-to-eat healthy food with your fingers, as this will reduce the frustration for all. If you are having trouble getting your child to eat vegetables Touch, fruit and other healthy foods, think about the offer after the game session in the park when a car or stroller, you'll have an audience to be hungry enough to devour carrot sticks, apple slices, or broccoli. They can often be seen, as it is inconvenient for inclusion in the training, so that food is part of a larger "game."

Hearing the children, as a rule, is in order, but the madness in this way. It is not uncommon for children to eat only macaroni and cheese hearing within a few days and then decide that they do not like, and there is nothing but carrots next week. For this reason, it is best to keep dishes simple and least offers an alternative to go along with their basic preferences. Keep the noise distractions to a minimum during a meal, for example, to hear your kids can easily track and either not eating or eating too much food reactions. It is currently important in this respect, as in the regular meals, as well as in the structure of supply. Consider the possibility of attracting a certain time of day with the kinds of food, for example, eat fruit after school, and always have vegetables for dinner.

Visual children picky about how the food turns out, it is easy for busy parents to fall into the trap to feed visual reconditioned food. Processed foods can "look" good, and you know your child will be difficult, but they are not a healthy diet. Instead, try to make healthy eating a visually pleasing way, making healthy food "look" better than junk food. It can be as simple as a smiling face of the fruit for breakfast pancakes, or just to put food on the plate of his beloved. For older children, show pictures of what happens to peoples bodies when they do not eat junk food, but comparing it to the organizations of people who eat a well balanced diet. A comparison will go a long way to explain why a healthy choice for them is better than cure.

This is especially important as the taste / smell children learn to choose healthy foods at first, because they are prone to eat, to soften the strong feelings. Do not use candy to bribe your child's taste and smell! Suggest other ways to reduce their feelings, how to walk, call a friend or make a drawing. These will include brand names, and the first to emphasize that not all strawberry yogurt tastes the same.

Save yourself some trouble and buy a brand of love. This simple change can make the difference between a healthy and balanced diet and meals. Associate good feelings and emotions better with a healthy meal, if possible, do not forget to invite them to cook dinner. You'll be surprised how their desire to be with you and help you become assets in the kitchen, although initially they will contribute to a simple simple tastes.

Keep in mind, and adapt to the dominant direction of your child to eat healthy food easier, and this is the first step in the life of the right food choices.

Skillet Lasagna

Skillet Lasagna: Several years ago I made lasagna for the first time (it was a slightly modified version of the woman's recipe for Pioneer), and thus, I created a monster. Lasagna is a monster, and his name is Shane :) He did not remember ever having lasagna before, and he immediately fell in love with the dish. For a long time I could not ask his opinion for lunch next week without the word lasagna to appear somewhere in the back.

Make no mistake, this was not the only one who enjoyed that lasagna, but the recipe made so much food that we eat the remains of whole days (and days!) And finally, I need a break. It is also one of those recipes that will leave you with a big pile of dirty dishes in the sink, and I think we can all agree that the dish pit. Seriously, no one really likes this problem? But in any case, the result was that over time, I almost completely stopped making lasagna, and, frankly, I feel a little guilty. Nothing like this to find a man hanging on a plate, and then decide that you were totally on it ...

A compromise was in order, and in this pan of lasagna I've found. This is done only in a pan of lasagna in less than an hour - just a win-win in my book! And as if that was not reason enough to love this food, but it also brings to control the amount of food. We've had it for dinner one night, and I think I ate the remains of a lunch for a few days later. This is the third or fourth recipe, I tried what is called for cooking pasta directly into the same pan with remaining ingredients, and although I was skeptical at first, I grew very fond of art. Shane and I took a free-form lasagna has all the taste of the traditional lasagna - you do not miss anything!

And just for fun, because I know that will make him smile, some pictures of Shane Half Marathon yesterday. This marked a new PR 1:37:29 finish - even a perfect springboard for his goal of qualification for the Boston Marathon the next year or two! He is also preparing to participate in his first Ironman at the end of this summer (he is 70 0.3, but not all) - this will be a busy year here. All this training may also help explain the incredible metabolism, I was talking the other day :)

Skillet Lasagna
barely adapted from Cook's Country's Skillet Suppers

A few notes on this one:
- The recipe calls for meatloaf mix, but feel free to use any ground meat you like - they'll all work.
- You can use regular or no-boil lasagna noodles. If you go with the regular, they'll have a very slight bite to them.
- A nonstick pan was suggested, but I don't have a cover for mine, so I used my regular stainless steel pan and didn't have any issues. Just be sure to stir occasionally as the pasta cooks so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.

1 28-oz can diced tomatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 pound meatloaf mix (ground beef, pork and veal)
10 lasagna noodles, broken into 2-inch pieces
1 8-oz can tomato sauce
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

Add the diced tomatoes along with their juice to a 1 quart (4 cup) measuring cup. Add enough water to bring the volume to 1 quart total.

Set a large nonstick skillet over medium heat and add the oil. When it starts to shimmer, add the onion and the salt. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until the onion begins to brown, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic and red pepper and cook just until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the meat, using a wooden spoon to break it apart. Cook until the meat is browned.

Add the broken noodles to the pan, but do not stir - just let them sit on top of the onion/meat mixture. Pour the tomato/water mixture and the tomato sauce over the noodles (again, don't stir). Cover the pan and bring the liquid to a simmer. Reduce the heat to maintain a simmer and cook, now stirring occasionally, until the pasta is tender (about 20 minutes).

Turn off the heat under the pan. Stir in 1/2 cup of the Parmesan and season to taste with salt and pepper. Drop the ricotta by heaping spoonfuls onto the top of the lasagna (don't stir to incorporate), then cover and let stand for about 5 minutes to allow the cheese to soften. Remove the cover and sprinkle with the basil and remaining Parmesan, then serve.

100s of Healthy Recipes for You ...

100s of Healthy Recipes for You ...: One of the biggest problems when people want to improve their eating habits is that the cook. Patterns dominate, and we make choices about what to buy and eat is not zadumyvayas.Horoshey news is that more and more healthy foods and not eating salads all day.

A healthy diet can be incredibly tasty when you know what to do.

All market Foods did an incredible job and has developed a killer recipe section on its website. You can find it here: Whole Foods Recipes

They broke recipes by categories, ingredients, food allergies and more. Hungry for steak? Gluten intolerance? Want to fiber? They have everything you need.

Click on the link above and get creative this weekend!


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Healthy Recipes

 Healthy Recipes: We have created a delicious healthy recipes, including eight weeks healthy meals, complete with healthy recipes for main courses every day.

Click on the link for each week during the week, full of healthy recipes and meal plans that go with each passing day. Plan ahead and forget worrying about what is for dinner, knowing that you are providing your body with fuel.

Health does not mean soft dinner show that these recipes, they are all delicious home-cooked your family will enjoy.

The list of nutrients, which in the beginning of every healthy recipes to help you keep your diet in check. Healthy food choices, and not overprocessed supermarket or home to take away an easy way to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

 Healthy Recipes

In keeping with our focus on physical and mental wellbeing, we throw light on healthy recipes that we can incorporate into our mealtimes. With women juggling so many roles, the need is felt for healthy dinner time recipes that promise wholesome meals to enhance family meal times. Eat healthy to stay healthy. After all you are what you eat. Combined with a regular fitness regimen, make healthy recipes a part of your lifestyle. In this way, your body thrives on the goodness of wholesome nutritious meals. Keep your heart happy too.

Healthy recipes help you gain control over your weight and medical conditions. Over time, these healthy options will become a part of you! With a bit of ingenuity with ingredients, you can work wonders with food. Go in for whole grains and whole grain products. Cut out unhealthy fats. Work plenty of color into your meals with colorful vegetables and fruits. With skillful use of herbs, you can kiss goodbye to oily and overspiced dishes. Dont give deserts the go by any longer. With our range of low-fat desserts and tips on substituting high fat ingredients with healthier options, you can indulge your sweet tooth!

It is indeed sad to see growing kids getting overweight and obese. Any mom would be happy with some healthy recipes to feed her kids. Opt for healthier snacks over packaged snacks that are high on fat and salt. Beware of sauces and dressings that are loaded with MSG, margarine, oil or butter. Go in for low-fat dairy products. Make healthy cooking a lifetime plan!